Wednesday, 14 March 2018

20 Is our world in a big mess, without hope?

A political leader walks away from his marriage, movie stars use their position to exploit women, bullying on social media is out of control, school Principals face high rates of violence and workplace stress, substance abuse is a huge concern, we have thrown away the true meaning of marriage, we no longer accept long standing and objective moral values. Where is our culture headed?
Do we live in a world where each individual ultimately seeks his own selfish desires and where there is no such thing as ultimate justice, just blind chance? In one of his books, Richard Dawkins the noted atheist, said;
“In a universe of blind physical forces, some people are going to get hurt, other people are going to get lucky, and you won't find any rhyme or reason in it, nor any justice. The universe that we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but pitiless indifference”.

You may well disagree with Dawkins pessimistic view, but his conclusion is sound if there is no God, if life is only physical and ends when we die.
I am convinced that there really is a good and loving God who cares for His creatures, and that there is an eternal future. Most people in our culture live their lives ignoring this. We may say we believe in God but then we live as if he doesn’t exist. Carefully consider your own beliefs on things raised in the first paragraph of this article.
Over the past months I have presented the Christian view that there is hope, that there really is a God who cares. And there is sound evidence for His existence, both in science and in our own deepest desires.
Yes we have lost our way, we have messed the world up, but God has put a plan in place for anybody to come back to Him and regain meaning and hope and purpose. I have used the term “the Story of Reality” to describe the Christian explanation. 
Dawkins says there is no hope. This state of despair is the way things must be.
Jesus says the world wasn’t always like this, we messed it up, but the problem is fixable. God loves us and has paid a price to make reconciliation possible for those who put their trust in Jesus.
This is the end of this series. I want to leave you with a challenge. Is it time for you to reconnect with God? His owner’s manual is the Bible. Read it. There are free online versions if you don’t have one. God has provided a community of like-minded people to meet with, it is called church; find one where you feel welcome. Or if you like, email me on and I am happy to chat.
