Jack is an elderly grazier with a
large property up north. He has been badly treated by the Government and its
public servants. He has also been wronged by other landowners. Jack is resigned
to the fact that he will never be compensated for his losses. But he would like
to see justice applied to those who have wronged him.
When Jack told me the stories of
his problems with the Government and difficulties with other land-owners, he
took some comfort in what he described as “the Leveller”. He said “the Leveller
will get them”. It is true that however you live your life, you will end up in
the same situation; death happens to everybody, it levels us all up in the end.
But for Jack there was more to it
than the end of life. Jack was also worried that the Leveller would have a
score to settle with him. He suspected that after he died, he would have to
give an account to the Leveller for all the things done in his life. He took
comfort from the levelling that might happen to his persecutors but he was
worried that he might also be on the wrong side of the Leveller. He might have
his own debt to repay.
I was able to give Jack some
really good news, but I’m not sure whether he was willing to take advantage of
it. I told him that God was the Leveller and that every living human being was
on His wrong side. Our relationship with God was broken because we have all
And God took that personally. If
we cheat on the tax department, if we kick the cat, if we have bad thoughts
about somebody, we actually wrong God. We have all sinned. We are all alienated
from God.
You may ask 'How can alienation
from God be Good News?' It is not; until you hear that God has done something
about it. We couldn’t do anything about righting the wrongs we have done
against God, because it would be like trying to pull ourselves up by our own
bootstraps, and that is impossible.
God is love, so in theory He could
just forgive our sins, but that wouldn’t be fair. Imagine how Jack would feel
if the people who wronged him were let off scot free. As well as love, God is
also absolutely fair; He is the source of both love and justice. So how did God
deal with our sins and meet the requirements of His love and of His justice?
Here is the Good News that I gave
Jack, God did the most amazing thing. He paid the penalty for our sins Himself
by sending Jesus to die on the Cross for us. Jesus’ coming to this earth and
His death on a Roman cross outside Jerusalem
is a real historic event.
But Jesus’ death is only half the
story. After he lay in a tomb from Friday till Sunday morning, God brought
Jesus back from the dead. And that is good news because it proves God has power
over death. Death is no longer the final enemy. Death is not the Leveller, God
is. God determines where we go after death, those who are His followers to live
with Him forever, the rest to eternally lonely and painful isolation.
What do you need to do to be on
the right side of the Leveller?
Admit your sinfulness. Accept
God’s offer of forgiveness and decide to become Jesus’ disciple, his obedient
This is both the easiest and the
hardest thing to do. Easy because He is God and surely God can be trusted to do
what He has promised and look after you. But hard because it involves humbling
yourself and letting God control your life.
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